Donate to Brain Tumour Ireland to support brain tumour patients and help to fund brain tumour research here in Ireland.

There are 3 ways to help:


1. Donate directly 

Bank of Ireland Naas

IBAN: IE97BOFI90123915509678


2. Donate through our page on

You can access our page here.

It allows you to donate or set up your own page if you are running a specific fundraiser.



3. Text BTI to 50300 to donate €4

A minimum of €3.25 will go to Brain Tumour Ireland as some operators apply VAT. 100% of your donation goes to Brain Tumour Ireland across most network operators. Service Provider LIKECHARITY. Helpline: 0766805278



As a fully registered member of the Charities Regulator, Brain Tumour Ireland is compliant with all rules and regulations concerning fundraising, both online and traditional.

Brain Tumour Ireland
Registered Charity Number: 20102128
Revenue Number: 20506


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